Tag: opamp
Everyone plays guitar, but more people watch TV
Guitar pedals are harder than they look – at least this one has been. I’ve learnt some valuable lessons that I’ve never had to worry too much about before. The most valuable lesson is that noise is not fun. Living in the digital domain is brilliant because is it far less affected by noise. Analogue…
Everyone plays guitar…
It has dawned on me that whilst I don’t pay a lot a month for hosting, I do actually pay something and so not keeping this blog up-to-date could be construed as a waste of money. With that in mind I have an update – hooray. I built my first guitar more than 10 years…
Stereotypical beginners electronics project pt3
The LCM7215’s arrived as I was writing the last post, so I need to get the PCB’s cut. As I have access to a LPKF ProtoMat C60 PCB cutting machine I have designed a number of boards that fit together to give the case. The idea is that the first board sits on the underside of…
Stereotypical beginners electronics project pt2
I’ve got some LCM7215’s on order for a work project so I’ve got some downtime until they are due to arrive. I’m going to run through the LTSpice simulation process, and look at the alternative solutions available. Assuming you haven’t already, you will need to download LTSpice. This is a free Spice simulator provided by…
Stereotypical beginners electronics project
The In-Laws have just moved house. I say move house, but what I mean is sold their old self-build, bought a field in deepest darkest Norfolk and are planning to self-build again. This is great news because it means they’ve got a blank canvas to fill with numerous eco-build projects. The first of which is…